The FIR details that the perpetrators tortured Qamar and moved him between various locations.
LAHORE: Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar, a prominent Pakistani drama writer, was the victim of a robbery and abduction.
According to reports, Qamar received a phone call from a woman named Amina, who invited him to her home to discuss a potential drama project. Upon arriving at her residence, he was seized by armed individuals.
The kidnappers demanded a substantial ransom, which Qamar paid before being released. Subsequently, the Sundar Police filed a report based on Qamar’s statement.
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The FIR details that the perpetrators tortured Qamar and moved him between various locations. They threatened his life and demanded money from his relatives.
The FIR further reveals that the assailants stole Qamar’s mobile phone, watch, cash, and transferred 250,000 rupees from his ATM card. After blindfolding him, they abandoned him in a deserted area before fleeing.
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