Bushra Bibi and Zulfi Bukhari can be heard discussing sale of watches gifted to Imran Khan.
Toshakhana watches sale: Alleged audio of conversation between Bushra Bibi, Zulfi Bukhari leaked. After a brief lull, another audio clip has emerged but this time of PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi and former special assistant to prime minister Zulfi Bukhari’s conversation about the sale of the expensive wristwatches gifted to the former premier by world leaders.
Imran Khan’s selling his Toshakhana gifts has become a hotly-debated topic in Pakistani politics recently.
The most expensive of them all was a bejeweled Master Graff wristwatch that was gifted to the PTI chief when he was the premier of Pakistan by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.
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However, it became the talk of the town after it ended up in the hands of UAE-based businessman Umar Farooq Zahoor.
The multi-millionaire Dubai-based businessman has said that he bought the precious watch from former prime minister Imran Khan’s trusted family friend Farah Gogi after paying a hefty amount of $2 million.
Transcript of audio:
Bushra Bibi: Hello
Zulfi Bukhari: Salam Alaikum, ji
Bushra Bibi: Ji, Walaikum Salam How are you?
Zulfi: I’m fine murshid, how are you?
Bushra: Thanks to Allah, Alhamdulillah. There are some watches of Khan sahib. He asked me to send these to you and you will sell them because they are of no use to him.
Zulfi: Yes
Bushra: So, he wants you to deal with it
Zulfi: Yes, murshid. I will do it
PTI has contested Zahoor’s claim and argued that the watch was sold to a wristwatch retailing business “Art of Time” in Islamabad.
The receipt of the sale of this same special edition watch to “Art of Time” was deposited by the former premier himself before the Cabinet Division.
As soon as the audio was leaked, Mohammad Shafiq, the owner of “Art of Time” in a video statement, distanced himself from the controversy.
“I neiter bought any watch nor have I got anything to do with this whole thing,” said Shafiq in a video. He added propaganda was going on against him —tying him to the purchase of the watch.
“Neither is that my shop’s bill (receipt), nor is that my signature. Even that handwriting is not mine. My business stamps and other things have been used unlawfully,” Shafiq shared.
He added that he was hoping the matter would die down by itself —which was why he did not respond to any questions being raised.
Shafique warned of legal action [against the propagandists] if he was dragged into the matter deeper.